Country Converter update 0.7.1
A new major release for the country converter coco.
Why we need a conversion tool
To date, there is no single standard of how to name or specify individual countries in a (meta) data description. While some data sources follow ISO 3166, this standard defines a two and a three letter code in addition to a numerical classification. To further complicate the matter, instead of using one of the existing standards, many databases use unstandardised country names to classify countries.
New classifications
For the new release I extended the list of classifications by the ones used by the Integrated Assessment Models IMAGE and REMIND . Thus currently the following classifications are available
ISO2 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
ISO3 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
ISO - numeric (ISO 3166-1 numeric)
UN numeric code (M.49 - follows to a large extend ISO-numeric)
A standard or short name
The "official" name
UN region
EXIOBASE 1 classification
EXIOBASE 2 classification
EXIOBASE 3 classification
WIOD classification
OECD membership (per year)
MESSAGE 11-region classification
UN membership (per year)
EU membership (including EU12, EU15, EU25, EU27, EU27_2007, EU28)
EEA membership
Schengen region
Cecilia 2050 classification
CIS (as by 2019, excl. Turkmenistan)
G20 (listing all EU member states as individual members)
Brexit complicates the handling of the EU membership data. Previously, it was enough to just save the data when the membership started, while now there is a start and exit data. For now, this is solved by adding multiple EU classifications corresponding to various extensions (and now contraction cycles). This follows the nomenclature described in the Eurostat glossary,
The country converter is now also available from the conda forge and can be installed using conda with (if you don't have the conda_forge channel added to your conda config add "-c conda-forge", see the install instructions here):
conda install country_converter
Of course, it is also still on PyPI. From the command line:
pip install country_converter --upgrade
Thats all folks, happy converting!